
Day: 4

OK, a car that I know is bright red appears orange to me. Red cannot look like this.
Not to me not to colour-seers.
I'm in the studio. Been looking forwards to this day since the beginning of all this.
Can't find my red paint. The names on the tubes are long gone so that give any clue.
I feel tired and I have a headache.
The plan today is to mainly paint abstract. And colourful.

I take a gander at a colour scheme. As I presumed after orange comes purple. And after green comes grey. Whatever happened to turquoise? (Not the band.)
Todays work is both infuriating and confusing.
I don't know what's real and what's not.
The contacts obviosly have their limits but there's more to it then that.
I want to go back to my old familiar colour world.