Not knowing what is colour blindness, my new colour corrective contacts and what could simply be individual colour seeing is tricky. I mean we all see colours a little different from each other but how much can this vary? I simple don't know what is real. I do hope though that these contacts can develop further so I won't lose my red tube of paint again. I am sure I found it today. Until now the highlights have been seeing loads of new nuances in the art gallery and actually getting a good score on the colour blindness test.
This is one of the "muddy" paintings I found so exiting by Niklas Bethke. seeing it now without my contacts it still looks nice. When I started working in the studio today I was rather hesitant and slow in all motions but after a while my pace picked up and I finally found great flow. Better than in a long long while, although I did paint with orange believing it was red for a while. At one point I am working on some ten pieces at a time, which isn't all unnatural to me.Suddenly blue becomes very interesting since it has so much more orange to work with on my palette. Or the range of orange is much wider now. Orange is simply a very fascinating colour. I hope I will bring this experience with me now, whether I decide to keep using these contacts or not. Also, green looses all interest since it doesn't have any more red to complement. Look at the colour circle below for more details... I think I am making some really colourful work today. We'll see tomorrow. Maybe I'll post an image of the work then. I wonder what they will look like without the contacts.