

Dear reader,
what kind of character does the colour yellow withhold?
Back to start, yellow is the most fragile colour for if mixed with anything it becomes corupt and loses it's quality. At times I have argues that dark yellow is infact brown. Theoretically yellow stays within the boundaries of orange and green. If it is mixed only sligtly with these colours it ceases to be yellow and rather becomes a light shade of the diluting colour. Alas, green and yellow becomes lime green or orange and yellow would be called light orange. But ochre and brown hold these same qualities as yellow all up to dark brown approaching black. I don't argue this anymore but rather see yellow as a frail. Having said that I must admit that I apcreiate paintings that mishandle yellow. Staffan Hallström is one of few artist's that I know of that uses the colour yellow well, or rather. His use of the colour is inspiring. It does not hold  respect to the purity of yellow rather it bends the boundaries and informs us that yellow can be both dirty and unpure yet beautiful and emotionally evocative.